Excellent. Instructor performed very well. The whole spectrum was represented and she handled it flawlessly. Instructor was very knowledgeable and was incredibly good at ‘getting’ how this fits into our company.
Quick Start training allows you to get up to speed quickly and effectively to turbocharge your teams.

We conduct dedicated one- and two-day virtual or in-person courses that cover Microsoft Project, Fusion Desktop, and Fusion Pipeline. Class sizes are limited to a maximum of 12 students. Various skills can be taught, depending on the requirements:
- Project modeling and network building
- ProChain software
- Analyze and interpreting results
- Multi-project scheduling and resource management

Testimonials About Our Training Courses
Very valuable – can save a great deal of money and time.
Very professionally done; best integration of text, lecture and visuals I’ve attended in three years.
Very helpful and informative. Instructor was very knowledgeable and presented the course in a very effective manner.
Even though I’ve used MS Project for years, I am self-taught and it showed me lots of tricks I never knew about. The course also demonstrates the ‘Power of ProChain’.
Incredibly professional instruction!
I would recommend this course to others. I know that the tools that ProChain provides will certainly improve the performance of project managers.
Course materials are well put together and easy to follow. The step-by-step exercises make it easy to complete on your own.
Excellent methodology and approach towards implementation of project scheduling [for] achieving dramatic improvements in project cycle times.